Monday, July 29, 2013

Mid-Year Move

I don't know about you but I DREAD setting up my classroom this year. I enjoy all the fun parts of decorating. But this year is different. I am moving from my classroom last year into another room this year. Then in 6-8 weeks, I'll have to move again!!! It's because there is some construction in my school and new rooms are being built to make space available. I wish I could just pick up my bulletin board displays and stick them up where I want them in the next room. Hanging butcher paper is not my idea of fun. I'm thinking about using foam board or tri-fold project boards to create my displays this year so I can do just that. Does anyone else out there have an idea for how I can pull this off?

1 comment:

  1. There's another blogger, Stephanie at Teaching in Room 6, who wrote about needing movable bulleting boards. She created her boards on felt, then she could just roll them up and take them with her. (Sorry, I don't know how to create a hyperlink, to take you right there.)
